The tail begins almost two years ago. The next door neighbors moved in. The house isn't much to speak of, the roof half undone, almost caving in on one side. Along with a couple people came an endless aray of dogs.....some dogs were full grown and others were just pups. At one point, there were at least 4 dogs there. The dogs were allowed to roam the neighborhood, being tortured by teenagers and responding with a fair amount of terror in return. Two little puppies showed up one day. Summer with it's 100+ tempertures came and I was compelled to visit them periodically throughout those days to freshen their water and make sure they were ok. These puppies were soooo adorable! One particularly hot day, I returned home having been gone all day and visited them in the neighboors back yard. I gasped in horror! One of those puppies was laying lifeless on the ground....the other just whimpered and begged for love. That day I made a vow that that dog would never have to see such a horrible fate. So it happened a little over a year ago, the neighboors moved into a small apartment that wouldn't accept big dogs so they gave the dogs to us. Bernard was the one I made that vow to and ever since that day, he has been my constant best friend. Look at that face.....who could resist!?