A Tribute to Rev. Robert Thomson
I received news via the TCU Magazine that one of my beloved mentors/pastors/friends died. Rev. Robert Thomson pastored Hemphill Presbyterian Church for almost 10 years, even as he was in his 80's. The story as I heard it was that the powers that be couldn't find a pastor who wanted to serve a church in the urban core with an aging and declining membership. So, he entered the ministry out of retirement and served well there for many years. This is where (and when) we met. I responded to an add on the bulletin board at Brite Divinity School. It was a "bright" (excuse the pun) pink or green color with the bold title "urban missionary needed!" I immediately felt drawn to it and only a few days later was meeting with Pastor Bob and a couple others from Hemphill around a table. I told them of my passion for reaching urban people and my previous experience in the ministry. Pastor Bob was so precious, walking with a cane, sweet and soft spoken at times, but when he got "fire in his belly" either regarding revitalizing the church or the Word of God, he would turn beet red. His big hands would make big gestures while preaching. He really believed that following Jesus was costly and preached that. As a hotty seminarian I remember thinking that he preached the Matthew 16:13-26 way too much. Looking back, of coarse, I realize how stupid I was. Pastor Bob had it right. The essence of the Gospel is following Jesus (just as Pastor Bob did), denying oneself, taking up the cross! "For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it!" That is what Jesus said. In that firey Pastor Bob way, I can still hear this text ringing in my ears.
Pastor Bob was also a student at Brite at this time. At age 85, he earned a D.Min. in preaching. His passion, his focus, his compassion inspired everyone! Including me. He thought that it would be cool to be preaching when he died. To my knowledge this is not how he went, but on October 5, 2008, he died. I will miss him and appreciate more than words can express his love for his Lord and the church.
Pastor Bob was my supervisor and I know that at time I must have stressed him out. At times he and I butted heads and battled a number of times. Now, looking back, I am grateful that he didn't smack me upside the head a couple times. He was so gracious and knew that the church was a place to give and forgive, an organism that all at once desperately needed to change and desperately resisted change, a living, breathing people of God who could love one another even in the midst of strife. Even in our own push and pull, we remained friends.
One final thought, as we met over breakfast and coffee at the Paris Cafe in Ft. Worth (usually with Mike Cooley also), we would discuss life, the church, ministry within it. He used to love to say, "oh well, Roberta, it ain't all preachin' and prayin'" It's true. Ministry in the church is NOT all preachin and prayin.
He was a beloved mentor/pastor/friend. So, I am lifting my coffee cup to you, Pastor Bob, in this tribute. The pleasure was all mine.
(**excuse the picture also, cause it is fuzzy. It is a picture of a picture from ten years ago**)