(Art: "Golden Rule" Mosaic by Jaro Nemcokat the UN Headquarters)
Here lately I have been doing a lot of imagining about the feet of Jesus. No really, it is true. I do not imagine Jesus really wearing shoes, not what we would consider shoe. He didn't own suped up tennies with a swoosh on them. There was no need for him to run. Notice that he is never in a hurry. He took his time with people: really listening, engaging them where they were, caring for their needs. He didn't rush conversations. He wasn't satisfied with small talk. Where he went, with whom he spoke he was really present. His "soul" was wherever his feet were. He wasn't half-paying-attention when people were talking to him. He wasn't planning his response.
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news ,who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'your God reigns.'"
This passage from Isaiah 52 is often quoted as referring to Jesus. Yet, what if it also referring to you and me....those who take up apprenticeship to Jesus. What if our feet are beautiful when we do as he did? What kind of presence do we have? What kind of tidings are we bringing?
It is my conviction that when we stand with those who suffer, we carry with us the same power Jesus had. He said that under that kind of anointing, with His sort of power all things were possible. "Release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18) I may not be able to single handidly reverse the oppressive structures of racism or sexism. Yet, I can do my part. Praise God that I can do something. I can partner with Jesus as I go everywhere. I can discover my own hands and feet and voice and be very present with those who suffer the most in our world. "Those" people, by the way, are the ones with which Jesus most generally hung. We really are His hands and feet.