Friday, April 27, 2007

Emptying Out Pockets

Nowadays when I empty out my pockets after working in a garden center all day, I find all sorts of strange things. I remember that Will, my husband, used to complain about plant clippings filling my pockets. "Do you have to collect all these dead flowers in your pockets....don't they have garbage cans at that store."

Yes there are garbage cans at most stores. I have learned to carry a bag around with me when I prune and dead-head plants. Hence, my pockets are less cluttered and green when I go home at night.

This last Sunday, we heard a sermon challenging us to stop collecting. It was such a fitting message for us right now.

We are packing up everything in our house. As embarrassing as it may be, I have to admit that we have fallen into the sin of "pack-rattedness." It is so difficult to sort through all the stuff that has such emotional attachments. It is hard to empty drawers and find cards and letters from beloved friends whom are staying behind here in Kansas City while we journey to our next destination.

Among the things that I empty from my pockets every evening are sticky notes of paper with scripture on them. I carry these texts around with me as a form of meditating while I work. I read, remember, ponder these all day long. It's a tangible way for me to stay attached to the only thing that I am not in danger of losing....God's presence!

Here are a few of my most recent favorites: Isaiah 41:13 "For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand; it is I who say to you 'Do not fear, I will help you."
Psalm 126:5-6 "May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy. Those who go our weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joying, carrying their sheaves."
Psalm 33:18-19 "Truly the eye of the Lord is on those who fear hem, on those who hope in his steadfast love, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine."
Psalm 34:3-4 (message) "God met me more than halfway, he freed me from my anxious fear. Look at Him, give him your warmest smile, never hide your feelings from Him.
Psalm 42 (bits and pieces from the Message) "These are the things I go over and over, emptying out the pockets of my life. I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd, right out in front, Leading them all, eager to arrive and worship.....(yet look at me now!) Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God-soon I'll be praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He's my God."

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