This picutre is of us, Will's two brothers, their wives and kids, and Joyce (Will's mom). The picture is from Memorial Day, 2005, so Kaiden who was an infant is now pushing 3 and Jordan who was 9 is 12 now (I'm not even really sure my math is right here, but it's a best guess type thing....if I were a good aunt I would remember all their birthdays and send them cards, but ohhh well). Brendan and Deanna now have another baby girl named Emma Ruth.
Perhaps part of the reason people have children is pass on their legacy. We do leave footprints and thumbprints on everyone around us even when we are unaware and this is not limited to our biological families. In recent days, I have thought of the wonderful legacy that Will's grandma Jesse left. I have thought of the great many hours and days that mentors of mine spent with me. What amazing living witnesses these people have been to me! I'm so grateful.
I have been graced with so much. Will I pass on something to those that I meet: at the bowling alley, in the high school gym, at the convenience store, Harmon's IGA, Rural King, Los Amigos, city offices where I pay my water bill, the library, Sonic Drive In, Wal Mart, Fayette County Hospital, the Zone, the city park? What legacy am I leaving?