Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sitting together at the feet of the Master

One of the "masters" that I have recently had the pleasure of sitting with is Eugene Peterson. He is humble and kind and yet very passionate about pointing to THE MASTER, Jesus. One of the wonderful things he said during our conversation after breakfast was: "schism is the enemy of the church" (He actually said that the reformers such as Calvin and Luther did some stuff right and yet they did a lot of harm to the church as well)

While reading the words of Wesley, I again come upon a great exhortation to the church to stop bickering and set aside petty differences for the sake of the Master. (Notes, paragraph 9 p.5) "Would to God that all the party names, and unscriptural phrases and forms, which have divided the Christian world, were forgot; and that we might agree to sit down together, as humble, loving disciples, at the feet of our common Master, to hear his word, to imbibe his Spirit, and to transcribe his life in our own"

Saturday, July 04, 2009

"An Earnest Appeal to Men of Reason and Religion" from the Works of John Wesley (1743)

A skeptic inquires of John Wesley

He asks: "I hear....you preach to a great number of people every night and morning. Pray, what would you do with them? Whither would you lead them? What religion do you preach? What is it good for?"

Wesley replied: "I do preach to as mny as desire to hear every night and morning.

You ask what I would do with them: I would make them virtuous and happy, easy in themselves and useful to others.

Wither would I lead them? To heaven; to God the judge, the lover of all, and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant.

What religion do I preach? The religion of love; the law of kindness brought to light by the Gospel.

What is it good for? To make all who receive it enjoy God and themselves: to make them like God; lovers of all; content in their lives; and crying out at their death, in calm assurance 'O grave, where is thy victory! Thanks be unto God, who giveth me the victory, through my Lord Jesus Christ."

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Renovare Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation

This October I will begin what Renovare is calling "a two-year experience of becoming like Jesus." As much as this sort of thing might be "programmed," it will include four one week intensive learning times over the span of two years in Menlo Park, CA. Among the teachers are: Dallas Willard, Todd Hunter, John Ortberg, Trevor Hudson, and Emilie Griffin.

The term "spiritual formation" has become sort of in vogue. It is often stripped from the context of "Christ-Focused" and used generically for the spiritual quest of human beings. Yet, at the core, we know that there is no real formation or transformation outside the way of Jesus. We do not follow some generic, vague spiritual quest. We follow Jesus. Jesus, as we discover in the Gospels, lived a very specific and human life. He also emptied himself for us. When we follow Jesus, we trust that His life will be planted in us and grow.

There is nothing that could be better than becoming like Jesus. This kind of language should not seem strange to those who are familiar with John Wesley. Holiness is defined as love of God and love of others. This is the life that we are created for, this is the reason for Jesus life and death, being transformed from the inside-out!

I'm going to put all the "God-talk" on pause and get real with you. I am currently not appointed to a church. After fourteen years of ministry, I found myself run down, frustrated, and very disappointed with the current state of church. Not only that, but I was frustrated with myself as a follower of Jesus and as a pastor. Though some would automatically assume that by me saying this, I am saying that I suffered some sort of "moral" failure or that I was burnt out. Neither of these are true.

I simply realized that I didn't seem to be able to lead a church without losing my own soul. I'm not exactly sure why it is, it just is! It may only be temporary and yet, it may not be. I'm not sure if/when I will return to functioning as a pastor. There are moments when this makes me incredibly sad. Yet, one thing I am very sure of is that I want, more intensely than ever before, to follow Jesus. I want to listen to His voice, to be transformed by Him into His likeness, to love Him more and to love others better.

It is not as though I think that some program is going to "magically" make me like Jesus. That would be unrealistic and perhaps idolatry. There are no formulas for things of the soul. There are no quick fixes or syrupy concoctions to take. There is not a pill you can buy at your local pharmacy or book you can purchase at your local Christian bookstore. There is simply a way that you choose to follow, like putting one foot in front of the other, with the coaching and strength of the One (Jesus) who leads and also stands beside you, and breaths His breath into your lungs.

I hope and trust that those who read my blog are praying for me. You are trusted friends and I do intend to post some-what regularly here as I engage in this institute. Check out www.renovare.us