Saturday, August 09, 2008

Some Serious Summer Activity

Will and I are celebrating one year of being in Vandalia. Reflecting over the last few months, I realize that July was actually the first time since I moved here that I felt seriously busy. Now, there are a few pastors that I know who wear "busy-ness" as a badge of honor, or as a sign that the world just cannot live without them. Admitadly, I am a pastor who likes activity almost to a fault. Through the years I have had to learn the "unforced rythms of grace" as Eugene Peterson puts it. My identity as a person and as a pastor must be rooted in my being claimed by God as His beloved child. For me, this means that I do not have to prove to myself or anyone else that I am important, running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The world could really live without me! Hallelujah!!! I am not in charge....even of my congregation....God is and I am trusting at this very moment that He reigns supreme. Resting and retreating into the quietness this past week restored my soul and allowed me an opportunity to re-adjust my compass, making sure that Jesus was still at the center.

An added thought: I have been a bad blogger! I must appologize to my 3 faithful readers! Please do not give up on me. Summer buzy-ness is pretty well over and I am at home now and loving it. So, I will fill in some details that have been missing: What have I been so busy with? How was camp? How was VBS? What have I been reading and did I actually complete my goal of reading 10 books this summer? Stay tunned....I will post more later. I may even have more pictures of flowers!

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