Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Genesis 1:26

"Then God said, 'Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth."

Each of us has a sphere of influence, a few areas of life where we have some sort of say in what happens and what does not happen. You could say that we have dominion. Dallas Willard would say that each of us has our own little kingdom. During one moment during our times with him last week, he said that he often asked people: "How are you doing with your kingdom?"

Our kingdom really only functions properly when we subject our kingdom to the Kingdom of God which is introduced by Jesus.

I once preached a few sermons about stewardship, using stewarding as the main verb. The core concept was having dominion. I put it to people like this: How are you doing at stewarding your relationships? How are you doing at stewarding your work? How are you doing at stewarding your possessions? and How are you doing at stewarding your money?

Now, as I look over my life and wonder how I have been doing with my kingdom....have I been exercising my own creative abilities in my realm of influence....have I given over reign of "my kingdom" to God's kingdom? Am I ready to see God's glory in my places of influence? With the hundreds of kids and teens I speak to everyday? Within my marriage? The gym where I sweat? The church that I attend?

Another thing that I have been wondering is: why do we shy away from this notion that we have dominion? Why does it cause a little uneasiness? It is such a significant Biblical concept! What are we so afraid of? (These really are not rhetorical questions....you can comment)


Joyce Peterson said...

Fear of failure... feelings of unworthiness...

deanna said...

I think people don't want the responsibility. If I have a kingdom, I am responsible for what happens in it right? And like Joyce says, we could fail. But more then failure, I think it's lazyness. we are too busy to take responsibility, or we are too tired, or whatever. we make our excuses. anything so we aren't held accountable for those in our sphere of influence. Just my 2 cents :) love ya sis!