Saturday, November 17, 2018

Day 17 No voice. No more. November

Towards a Deeper Theology of Women

In the Forward of How I Changed My Mind about Women In Leadership, Dallas Willard states:

It is not the rights of women to occupy 'official' ministerial roles, not their equality to men in those roles, that set the terms of service to God and their neighbors. It is their obligations to do so - obligations that derive from their human abilities empowered by divine gifting. It is the good they can do and the duty to serve that comes from that, which impels them to serve in all ways possible.

Women and men are indeed very different, and those differences are essential to how God empowers each to induce the Kingdom of God into specific life settings and ministry. What we lose by excluding the distinctively feminine from 'official' ministries of teaching and preaching is of incalculable value. That loss is one of a few fundamental factors that account for the astonishing weakness of the church in contemporary context.

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