Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More pictures from Utah

Today is actually our first day back in a city. Moab didn't have adequate internet juice to publish my blog. So, I actually wrote that blog on Saturday and worked with no success for at least two hours to publish it. Now, we are in Denver. But, I still have many things to blog about Utah and our other wilderness experiences.

The large arch picture actually has something hidden therein. You may have to zoom! It's like the game where's Waldo, but now, it is where's Willie? Let me know if you find him.


Joyce Peterson said...

I found William. He is in a cave thingy on the right side of the picture. BEAUTIFUL.

I am so glad you have had this time together.



Joyce Peterson said...
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deanna said...
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Singertenor (Robert Nowlin) said...

I found him. If you hadn't told me to look for him, I would have wondered why there appears to be a body laying on the rock. I guess you were craving shade.