Sunday, July 15, 2007

Again with the Mud Hens

Another thing: 5th/3rd Field is wonderful. It is located right downtown. Some folks were watching from their hotel window across the street. This was 116th sell out game, no wonder, it was such a ROCKIN time.


Singertenor (Robert Nowlin) said...

So, while you apparently rubbed shoulders with some of my friends at the Ekklesia Project and didn't even know it, I think one of them has you (barely) in one of his pictures. Check out the bottom middle:

Singertenor (Robert Nowlin) said...

Oh, another thing. In the very first sentence of the very first paragraph of the Ekklesia project website that is linked on your blog profile, the very same friend whom I mentioned in the previous comment, is also mentioned. He designed the website, too, I believe, since it looks like his art style. :)