Thursday, December 27, 2007


Am I the only one on the planet that has trouble syncing an i-pod?!

After having asked for one for the last two Christmases...I finally got an i-pod. I absolutely love it! Within a few hours of owning it, I put almost 2,000 songs on it. A lot of these were crazy sound bites that were stashed on my computer un-be-knownst to me.
Will's grandparents and his mother (Joyce) have been with us since last Saturday. We have had a wonderful time with them.
Grandpa enjoyed the i-pod as much as anyone. He wasn't able to help me sync it though!!! RATS.


Unknown said...

I don't have any problem with my I-Pod except I haven't figured out how to remove the songs that I don't want to listen to. (you know what I mean... you have a few favorite songs from a cd and that's it, but it copies all of them from the cd to the itunes interface. )Otherwise, it's a pretty cool toy. :~)

Keep me in prayer I'm looking at making a change in denominations. Long story short... I've spent 4 years waiting for an opening in the FMC in this area, and when one came open I wasn't even contacted. There are two in this area with another denomination. I would rather not have to make a change, but it seems that I don't have any other choice right now.

Clay Feet said...

After talking with you today and now looking at your list of favorite music etc. I think our families have a lot in common. I would like to know what kind of music you like to have in your church. Maybe if we get a chance we can come and visit sometime.

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how much I love this photo.