Sunday, November 11, 2018

Day 11 No voice. No more. November

(Prayer offered by David Kendall, Bishop of the Free Methodist Church: "For my sisters and colleagues in ministry and leadership in North Michigan and beyond")

Loving Lord God, YOU

Who reveal yourself as the God of Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel,
The God of Tamar, Miriam, Ruth and Bathsheba, and

The God and Father of the Mary's three - the Mother of our Lord Jesus, the sister of Martha whose place at the feet of Jesus was noted and protected, and the Mary of Magdala cursed seven-fold by demonic possession and yet set free...

We worship you and bow down before you, and place at your disposal all that we are and will be, all that we have and will have, all that we know and don't know - we place it all before you, completely surrendered, utterly available. We - in your presence - at your service.

How amazing and how humbling to be with you, in the Presence of that Supreme Lord of all who broods over  a people as the mother eagle, who covers with mighty pinions her children in moments of storm and threat, lifts and bears them up in times of weakness, and ultimately shields them from all deadly terrors!

How comforting and challenging to receive your care - healing from wounds suffered, forgiveness for wounds embraced, recovery, renewal and resurrection from mortal threat.

How welcome and fitting to receive your empowering for ongoing following after Jesus, walking in his footsteps, loving in his shadow, joining together in his yoke, striving and contending one with another for the sake of his gospel, working with him, serving with him, sacrificing, dying, and rising with him.

Lord God of all, let it be. Let it be!

Loving Lord God, from among my sisters and colleagues in ministry and leadership.

May your mighty Spirit, in our day, call forth, anoint, and empower a multitude of Miriams who compose songs and lead your people in a depth and quality of worship from which will flow your might acts that set people free;

a contingent of Deborahs whose strategic vision, mastery of weapons of your 'warfare,' and courageous leadership achieves awesome victory in the battles your people must face;

a cadre of Esthers, prepared, and positioned and poised to rise up for times such as these for every hour critical to our unfolding plan of provision and redemption for peoples, communities, and nations;

a community of Marys called to inconceivable tasks and unbelievable roles, declaring: 'Here we are, women of willing and daring obedience, let it be to us and through us according to your word'; and

a company of countless other sisters who, though un-heralded, step up as blessed witness to your resurrection and thus bring new life in Jesus to this till death-laden world!

And, Loving Lord God, may their brother - colleagues cheer them on, support their way, and join their ranks, in your Holy Name, Amen!


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